Massage Chairs and Fibromyalgia pain relief

Those suffering with Fibromyalgia or widespread pain in the muscles and tenderness in areas of the body know how debilitating it can be. Not long ago Fibromyalgia wasn’t considered a physical condition. It was “all in your head”. Now there is actually a National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, it’s May 12th. Fibromyalgia can impact many functions/regions […]

Spinal Decompression and Stretching Massage Chairs

Spinal decompression or spinal traction in days of old looked more like torture devices than therapy. But today there are many tractions devices employed by physical therapists and chiropractors including massage chairs. According to, “spinal traction is a form of decompression therapy that relieves pressure on the spine. It can be performed manually or mechanically. […]

Human Massage vs. Massage Chair

Both human-administered massage and today’s cutting-edge massage chairs deliver extraordinary benefits. There is a multitude of particular aspects of a massage chair that are quite compelling.  Particularly for those who don’t seek frequent massages. Massage therapy delivers a powerhouse of health benefits. Virtually every system in the body is affected by massage, either directly or […]

Massage Chairs Help Ease Discomfort of Seasonal Allergies Year-Round


Suffering from Seasonal Allergies Year-Round Usually, we think of spring as allergy season. Yes, all the blooming plants and their release of pollen are the cause of much misery. But truly, there isn’t a single allergy season. And as winter approaches, the irritants come from other sources. And your massage chair is a great way […]

All the Way to ALS, Massage Relieves Chronic Pain

If you enjoy a relatively pain-free life, take a moment to Imagine living with chronic pain. You wake up every morning after a night where you might not have gotten very much sleep. You know that your day will involve pain, and you may not even know where to expect it. But often in several […]

Massage Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Massage Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) We recently wrote about how massage chairs can help anyone overcome the impact—physical and emotional—created by the shift away from daylight savings. After the time change, after the clocks and your body have adjusted, there is a long winter season ahead— a time that affects one in […]

Post-Surgical Massage: When and How

post surgical recovery

So, you’re going under the knife. You anticipate an extended recovery that includes medication, bed rest, and physical therapy. Should you include massage therapy in your recovery regiment? Yes, you should! According to a major review of 16 existing studies published in September 2016 in the journal Pain Medicine, massage therapy can effectively reduce the severity […]

Best Massage Techniques For Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic (long-term) disease. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can come and go, and each person with RA is affected differently. Some people have long periods of remission. Their rheumatoid arthritis is inactive, and they have few or no symptoms during this time. Other people might have near-constant rheumatoid arthritis symptoms for months […]

Massage Chair Body Scanning. How Does It Work?

massage chair body scanning

Just about all full-body massage chairs claim to have some form of body scanning. If you have read any other articles on body scanning they tell you why it exists which should be obvious. But they don’t tell you how it works because, well, they don’t know. As someone who has been in the massage […]

Massage Chairs For Athletes

massage chairs for athletes

Massage for Athletes Being an athlete might presuppose that you take good care of yourself and that your conditioned muscles are accustomed to frequent exercise. You don’t get sore. You don’t need a massage chair. Right? Wrong! First, no two workouts, games, rides, are exactly the same. In some instances, terrain or weather may make […]

What is Acupressure in a Massage Chair

Massage chairs and acupressure

We’ll start with how this massage style is delivered in the typical chair. Acupressure is a massage chair is performed in one of two ways. The first is via airbags located throughout the massage chair (backrest, hips, shoulder, arms, legs, and feet). Think of the last time you had your blood pressure tested, and you […]

Workplace Massage Chairs Deliver Big Benefits

Massage chairs in the workplace

Increasingly we are seeing companies buy workplace massage chairs for their employees to utilize. Not only are massage chairs a fantastic company perk, they are an investment to help reduce the costs associated with workplace stress. Long hours, seemingly impossible demands, and uncertain job security can take their toll on employees’ mental and physical well-being. […]

The Mental Benefits Of Massage Chairs

Mental Benefits of Massage Chairs

You may not realize that massage chairs deliver as many mental benefits as physical. Perhaps you are in the market for a massage chair. Maybe you’ve seen them at Costco special events, or you passed by those massage chairs rentals at the mall or airport. Wherever you saw them, maybe you were intrigued by the […]

Massage for Frozen Shoulder and Torn Rotator Cuff

frozen shoulder

Can Massage Help Thaw Frozen Shoulder? If you or a friend have ever experienced “adhesive capsulitis,” better known as frozen shoulder, you know just how painful and frustrating the condition can be. Physicians prescribe an array of treatments, but generally advise their patients that the condition is mysterious, perhaps brought on by hormonal factors or […]

Can Massage Help with Autism

massage therapy for autism

Parents of children with autism are always seeking ways to enhance the quality of life for their children and massage therapy is becoming an increasingly popular way of doing so. 

One would think that a child with autism, who is commonly averse to touch, would find massage therapy intolerable. However, a massage chairs are usually […]

Mayo Clinic on Massage

Mayo Clinic

Mayo on Massage? We’ve posted many articles chronicling the benefits of massage for a variety of syndromes, diseases, conditions and injuries. Often, we have cited studies published by the Mayo Clinic as sources for those articles. Today, let’s see what Mayo has to say about the big picture: massage and health. A Wide Range Massage […]

Massage Chairs Make You Feel Good

Massage: Is “Feels Good” Enough? For months, we’ve outlined ways in which massage and premium massage chairs are established heath aids for a broad range of aches, pains, conditions, syndromes, and illnesses. No surprise there. And most of us also enjoy massage and massage chairs purely as aesthetic experience. But is enjoyment a recommendation in […]

Massage Chairs and Stress Relief


Can Massage Help You Manage Stress? Recently, we wrote about stress as a probable cause of TMJ syndrome and, because massage therapy is effective in addressing various ways stress can affect the body, we suggested that massage can benefit those who suffer from TMJ. Great. But maybe it would be wise to explore the reasons […]