Massage Chairs & Headaches

Massage Chair Therapy for Headaches

Migraine sufferers have been known to literally “not be able to function” due to the severity of their migraines. Some migraine sufferers experience such bad pain that any type of over-the-counter pain relievers (NSAD’s) are useless against the overwhelming pain of a severe migraine.

Many migraine sufferers require the aid of a cold compress on their forehead to mitigate the intense pain. They also require something to cover their eyes completely, to the point of allowing zero light into their eyes. They also experience an abnormally heightened sensitivity to sounds, and in some cases, people that suffer from migraines also experience “an aura of nauseousness” so severe, that it brings them to the point of actually vomiting.  Can you imagine living with that kind of excruciatingly painful condition?

Cluster headaches are no less debilitating and also incredibly distracting, and when they become chronic they are even more debilitating as well. When headaches persist, they can also be very dangerous, so headaches are something you need to pay close attention to and monitor to see if they persist. If your headaches do persist and you think they are actually increasing in intensity, you need to contact your physician for an evaluation.

Stress headaches come in various forms. There are several factors that contribute to and exacerbate stress headaches: smoking, added stress, lack of exercise, dehydration, lack of rest or sleep, food allergies, and a bevy of other triggers as well. Many health experts believe that headaches originate from circulatory issues and that decreased blood flow is a key contributor to those various forms of headaches. Other health experts believe that headaches have a neurological origin and that inheriting headaches from your parents is not uncommon.

Most health experts do agree though, that combatting headaches could range anywhere from resting quietly in a dark room, to moving around (like taking a walk), to receiving massage therapy or even engaging in vigorous exercise can help some sufferers. Regardless of what health experts say, every headache sufferer has a different threshold of pain tolerance and for most of these types of headache sufferers, a massage chair does tend to bring a tangible improvement in eliminating those incredibly uncomfortable headaches.


Reason 1:

Massage chairs are created to “move and stimulate” the body of the person sitting in the chair. As we stated before, motion creates increased blood flow to those areas being “moved” and massage chairs not only move and compress, but some also have rollers that heat up. All of these attributes provide increased blood flow and when you compound them together, you have a very effective headache fighting tool. If you can have this tool available to you in your own home and on a daily basis, think about how effectively you can help combat your own headaches.

Reason 2:

Massage chairs also provide another key element in helping alleviate headache pain….relaxation. Being able to relax (both mentally and physically) is such a critical skill to develop in order for us to become as productive as we can possibly be. “Relaxing” allows for the body and mind to “flow” optimally. The least amount of resistance that is between clear thinking and physical execution is always the best path for optimal production for our bodies and minds. The world’s best massage chairs all have the incredible ability to bring our bodies and our minds to that amazing state of being (both physically and mentally).

Reason 3:

Massage chairs’ primary specialty to most people is their ability to help people eliminate stress. It is almost impossible to get into one of the world’s best massage chairs and not feel your stress dissipating away. Stress is a true killer in the manic world we live in and if you are the type to always be stressed about things (both small and large), then you really need to address correcting your ability to cope with stress. A massage chair is not only an excellent way to deal with stress, but they’re also one of the most enjoyable ways to dealing with stress too.