The Mental Benefits Of Massage Chairs

Mental Benefits of Massage Chairs

You may not realize that massage chairs deliver as many mental benefits as physical. Perhaps you are in the market for a massage chair. Maybe you’ve seen them at Costco special events, or you passed by those massage chairs rentals at the mall or airport. Wherever you saw them, maybe you were intrigued by the […]

Massage for Frozen Shoulder and Torn Rotator Cuff

frozen shoulder

Can Massage Help Thaw Frozen Shoulder? If you or a friend have ever experienced “adhesive capsulitis,” better known as frozen shoulder, you know just how painful and frustrating the condition can be. Physicians prescribe an array of treatments, but generally advise their patients that the condition is mysterious, perhaps brought on by hormonal factors or […]

Massage Chairs and Weight Loss?

massage chairs and weight loss

Massage and Weight Loss: Too Good to be True? If something tastes good or feels good, the tendency is often to think, “This can’t be good for me.” Right? Happily, that is not the case with massage for weight loss. Indirect Benefits of Massage for Weight Loss The two most common approaches to weight loss […]

Massage Chairs Make You Feel Good

Massage: Is “Feels Good” Enough? For months, we’ve outlined ways in which massage and premium massage chairs are established heath aids for a broad range of aches, pains, conditions, syndromes, and illnesses. No surprise there. And most of us also enjoy massage and massage chairs purely as aesthetic experience. But is enjoyment a recommendation in […]

Massage Chairs and Stress Relief


Can Massage Help You Manage Stress? Recently, we wrote about stress as a probable cause of TMJ syndrome and, because massage therapy is effective in addressing various ways stress can affect the body, we suggested that massage can benefit those who suffer from TMJ. Great. But maybe it would be wise to explore the reasons […]

Massage Chairs and Migraines

Massage chairs and migraines

Massage and Migraines Any kind of pain can be debilitating, and for people who suffer from migraine headaches, pain can disrupt both their personal and professional lives. Whether migraine occurs infrequently or on a regular basis, finding dependable relief is a top priority. What Relief Can Look Like Migraine is a complex condition that can […]

Massage Therapy After Injury

sports injury and massage

For active people, injuries are an unfortunate fact of life. Whether we’re talking sore muscles after a hike, a game of golf, or a gym workout, whether the complaint is sports related or the result of gardening or home improvement, and especially if surgery is required, an injury is a setback. Recovery is a Process, […]

PMS? Massage to The Rescue


PMS is common medical complaint, a chronic problem estimated to affect up to 80% of women. No one definitive cause of PMS has been identified, but several factors are known to influence symptoms. These include diet, genetics, hormone fluctuation, and that common culprit, stress. Because PMS gives rise to both physical and psychological symptoms, stressful […]

Massage for Better Emotional Health

better emotional health

If you’ve received a professional massage even once, you know how much better you feel after just a few minutes on the table. But your physiological response goes deeper than simple relaxation. According to Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, FL, massage, […]

How Massage Chairs Help with Hypertension

hyper tension massage chair

You’ve been out shopping for hours. Your back aches. Your shoulders ache. Then: amazing! You find a cluster of massage chairs, and there’s one empty, calling out to you. With a smile, you collapse happily for a 15-minute respite from the rush. Yes, it feels good. But in addition to reducing stress, did you know […]

Stress As An Evolutionary Adaptation

dealing with stress at home?

Imagine yourself hundreds of thousands of years ago, a newly evolved Homo sapiens sapiens, striking out on the African plain intent on scouting out sustenance for yourself and your kin.  Your muscular and lithe body moves with the wind as you track your prey off in the distance and you’re careful to not let your […]

A Witness To Stress: My Personal Story

stress at home

By Dr. Ron I personally saw the effect of stress on my late father, a hard-working man who regularly put in 16 to 18 hour days in a profession he hated. He felt stuck, driven by the necessity to provide for family, putting off his personal dreams of getting the education that would land him […]