A Witness To Stress: My Personal Story

stress at home

By Dr. Ron
I personally saw the effect of stress on my late father, a hard-working man who regularly put in 16 to 18 hour days in a profession he hated. He felt stuck, driven by the necessity to provide for family, putting off his personal dreams of getting the education that would land him his dream job of being a dentist.
My father came home from work every day with his jaw clenched. My brother and I saw his overdeveloped masseter muscles in his jaws contracting and relaxing when he was lecturing or disciplining us as kids. I saw this with every word he spoke until his untimely death at just 54. The impact of seeing my father’s debilitating stress as a child burned an indelible image in my mind, and I knew even as a young boy that I never wanted go through life with the stress my father carried.
I wish that my father could have taught me lessons about handling stress in a different way. I wish he could have found tools that would have helped him find peace and relief from the demons that haunted him. I wish that he lived at a time and in a culture where he might have found a doctor, psychologist, or social worker who might have helped him. I wish that I could have somehow helped.
Now I am left to tell this story of how stress prematurely took my father from me and my family. And here’s my message to other men out there: do not take stress lightly. Stress can kill you. I have seen it. I see it affect others all the time. A growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that stress not only debilitates – if left unmanaged, it kills.
As a result of my life, I am now passionately committed and determined to help others reduce and control their stress. I also happen to know that a high-quality massage chair is a great tool that offers a temporary escape from the stressful impact of daily life. This is why I emphatically believe in what I do at The World’s Best Massage Chairs.
I write this in the hope that it might help someone recognize the “stress threat” in their life or the life of someone they love.
Please call me. I’d be happy to personally discuss which massage chair will best fit your personal needs. 
Daily massage in one of our chairs will make you feel better, reduce your stress, and put you in a better place to handle each day. I hope you consider making this smart choice for your health, mood, and longevity. And I hope you’ll let me start you on this journey.

Dr. Ron is a former chiropractor and a lifelong athlete. He is one of the healthcare experts that is currently on the staff at WBMC and provides a real life perspective on the health benefits of massage chairs.