People all over the world run every day, either for fun, for work, or to train for an upcoming event or competition. If you’re working on improving your endurance so that you can compete in a marathon, or you want to get faster so that you can win a sprint race at your next track meet, then running is likely a central part of your life.
At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we love helping people find the perfect massage chair for their home or office. Many people shop with us because they want a chair that they can relax in at the end of a long day, but others come because they are athletes who want to use massage as a way to recoup and recover after training. If you’re an avid runner, then look through our online catalog today to find the perfect chair!
Starting Your Running Routine
Perhaps you’ve just started running on a regular basis, and you’re trying to establish a routine where you run every other day, or maybe every three days. Depending on your age and level of physical fitness, your body will only be able to handle so much strain from running, and it’s important to give yourself time to recover after each run. You will likely experience muscle fatigue and soreness for a day or two after your first few runs, and your massage chair can help soothe your tired muscles and aid in your recovery. You can set your chair to focus on your legs, ankles, and feet, and it’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor about which massage settings will be the most beneficial.
Massage Chairs vs. Traditional Massage
If you’re a runner, then you may visit a chiropractor or massage therapist on a regular basis for treatment and adjustment. You not only need your legs to run, but you also need a strong upper body, and any issue with your arms or back can cause you to overcompensate when running, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Regular treatment can help you stay healthy, but the costs, even when partially covered by your health insurance, can add up quickly. With a massage chair, you can receive the treatment you need in the comfort of your own home, without having to drive to a spa or clinic, or pay a copay every time you’re in the doctor’s office. The price of your chair may seem high at first, but it will definitely pay for itself in a very short amount of time.
Helping with Injury
Runners can experience all types of injuries, from sprained ankles to stress fractures to muscle tears. Each type of injury requires its own recovery time, and massage can have different benefits for each ailment. With a sprain, rest is often the best remedy, and what better way to rest than in your new chair? For muscle tears or stress fractures, you may need minor surgery or to simply let your body heal, and spending time in your chair can help you overcome issues that can accompany surgery, such as swelling or tenderness. Again, be sure to speak with your doctor about which massage settings will be best for your condition. Massage can also help with blood pressure and circulation, which can promote increased healing at the injured site, effectively decreasing your recovery time.
Mental Preparation
Mental fitness is just as big a part of running as physical fitness. You have to train your body to be able to handle the grind of a half- or full-marathon, but your mind also has to be ready. You’ve heard people talk about the “runner’s high” or “hitting a wall” while running, but until you experience those things for yourself, you can’t know how your mind will handle them. Envisioning your goal is one way to overcome any mental barriers that are keeping you from running at your best, and relaxing in your massage chair can be a great way to get your mind in the right place before a race. You’ll have time to unwind and reflect, thinking about how hard you’ve trained and how you’re going to approach your next run. If you’re working with a coach or trainer, they might suggest certain mental exercises to get you ready for a particularly grueling event.
Running at Any Age
We’ve all seen those stories of people in their 80s or 90s who compete in 10Ks and marathons, and we often think, “I could never do that.” However, if those stories pique your interest and make you want to start running, then why not start as soon as possible? Do your research into which shoes will be best for you, what apparel you’ll need, and where in your neighborhood you can go for a run every few days. You might contact a trainer to get you started, and your local gym may be able to connect with a running coach. It doesn’t matter if you’re a young runner who wants to one day make it to the Olympics, or a retiree who wants to stay in shape – running can be great exercise, and you can start at any age.
Choosing Your Massage Chair
As a runner, you may be particular about what time you run, what shoes you wear, and how many miles you put in each day. Your massage chair doesn’t have to be any different, and we can help you choose the right model based on your preferences. You may want a chair that promotes better blood flow or that has a certain Shiatsu setting that can help your muscles recover. You may want a chair that offers heated massage, which can be very beneficial for sore muscles. We can answer any questions you may have about a certain chair, and your doctor or trainer can help you find the model that will be the most beneficial for your running and overall fitness goals.
Achieve Your Running Goals
No matter what your running or fitness goals are, one of our chairs can prove to be an integral part of achieving them. Whether you need massage for recovery from an injury, you need somewhere to unwind and mentally prepare for an upcoming race, or you want specific pressure on a certain part of your body, your chair can provide everything you need, and then some. Instead of worrying about making an appointment with a massage therapist, you can sit down in your chair that’s in your living room or bedroom, and receive amazing treatment. You can remain active and healthy, and focus on improving your personal best or trying to run farther than you ever have before.