Massage Chairs and Fibromyalgia pain relief

Those suffering with Fibromyalgia or widespread pain in the muscles and tenderness in areas of the body know how debilitating it can be. Not long ago Fibromyalgia wasn’t considered a physical condition. It was “all in your head”. Now there is actually a National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day, it’s May 12th. Fibromyalgia can impact many functions/regions […]

Massage Chair Therapy To Get You Healthy Through the Holidays

massage chair for the holiday

The holidays are fast approaching.  Soon (if not already) you’ll be planning menus, inviting guests, shopping for meals, shopping for others. This time of year puts great emphasis on giving thanks, giving to others, and making other people’s holiday wishes come true. That creates a lot of stress, and you can’t do all that if […]

Massage Chairs for Dentists—and For You

massage chair for dentists

What could massage chairs have to do with dentistry? Odds are, you’re not a dentist. But odds are you know a dentist, that you visit one at least once a year. So listen. Dentists spend hours bending over their patients, looking at their teeth and gums. They spend considerable time each day reviewing x-rays, examining […]

Massage for the Elderly

better emotional health

No matter who you are, or what your age, massage feels great. Perhaps like no other profession, massage therapy provides benefits to a wide range of people. Of course, there are contraindications that need to be monitored, but generally speaking, young and old, healthy and ailing—most everyone gains from regular massage therapy sessions. But with […]

Massage Away Anxiety

massage away anxiety

Massage Away All of Your Anxiety! Anxiety varies in intensity and duration for different people and can be debilitating for anyone. While chronic, intense, or prolonged periods of anxiety should always be referred to a health care professional, those of us who suffer from occasional bouts of worry and stress can find relief in massage. […]

OMG That's Ugly

ugly massage chairs?

As someone who has been in the massage chair industry for over a decade, I have given thousands of demos on dozens of models. One question I get most often is “Why are massage chairs so ugly?” After attending hundreds of massage chair roadshows around the country, and with this question as a backdrop, I […]

Best Massage Techniques For Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic (long-term) disease. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can come and go, and each person with RA is affected differently. Some people have long periods of remission. Their rheumatoid arthritis is inactive, and they have few or no symptoms during this time. Other people might have near-constant rheumatoid arthritis symptoms for months […]

How often should you use a massage chair?

Are you someone who gets regular massage? Perhaps between 2-4 times per month? If so you likely have a good reason physically, whether related to an persistent injury, chronic muscle pain, joint or tendon soreness, or maybe your work involves physical exertion that leaves you sore and needing the therapeutic treatment of massage. Or perhaps […]

Massage Chairs For Athletes

massage chairs for athletes

Massage for Athletes Being an athlete might presuppose that you take good care of yourself and that your conditioned muscles are accustomed to frequent exercise. You don’t get sore. You don’t need a massage chair. Right? Wrong! First, no two workouts, games, rides, are exactly the same. In some instances, terrain or weather may make […]

What is Acupressure in a Massage Chair

Massage chairs and acupressure

We’ll start with how this massage style is delivered in the typical chair. Acupressure is a massage chair is performed in one of two ways. The first is via airbags located throughout the massage chair (backrest, hips, shoulder, arms, legs, and feet). Think of the last time you had your blood pressure tested, and you […]

Workplace Massage Chairs Deliver Big Benefits

Massage chairs in the workplace

Increasingly we are seeing companies buy workplace massage chairs for their employees to utilize. Not only are massage chairs a fantastic company perk, they are an investment to help reduce the costs associated with workplace stress. Long hours, seemingly impossible demands, and uncertain job security can take their toll on employees’ mental and physical well-being. […]

Can Children and Teens with ADHD Benefit from Massage Chairs?

Massage ADHD

Massage Benefits for ADHD Imagine lying in your massage chair. As your chair sets to work, you feel your body relax. Your muscles soften, your nervous system calms. Now, imagine how you feel when the massage is over–relaxed, alert, calm, and content. Anyone who has experienced a massage understands the many benefits that it offers. […]

The Mental Benefits Of Massage Chairs

Mental Benefits of Massage Chairs

You may not realize that massage chairs deliver as many mental benefits as physical. Perhaps you are in the market for a massage chair. Maybe you’ve seen them at Costco special events, or you passed by those massage chairs rentals at the mall or airport. Wherever you saw them, maybe you were intrigued by the […]

2D-3D-4D massage chairs whats the difference


If you are buying a massage chair and have done a little research, or if perhaps you already own a massage chair and are looking to upgrade, you’ve likely seen various mentions of the “D’s”. This article will help you understand what they mean when manufacturers refer to 2D, 3D, and 4D massage chairs. Since […]

Massage Chairs and Weight Loss?

massage chairs and weight loss

Massage and Weight Loss: Too Good to be True? If something tastes good or feels good, the tendency is often to think, “This can’t be good for me.” Right? Happily, that is not the case with massage for weight loss. Indirect Benefits of Massage for Weight Loss The two most common approaches to weight loss […]

Can Massage Help with Autism

massage therapy for autism

Parents of children with autism are always seeking ways to enhance the quality of life for their children and massage therapy is becoming an increasingly popular way of doing so. 

One would think that a child with autism, who is commonly averse to touch, would find massage therapy intolerable. However, a massage chairs are usually […]

Massage Chairs Make You Feel Good

Massage: Is “Feels Good” Enough? For months, we’ve outlined ways in which massage and premium massage chairs are established heath aids for a broad range of aches, pains, conditions, syndromes, and illnesses. No surprise there. And most of us also enjoy massage and massage chairs purely as aesthetic experience. But is enjoyment a recommendation in […]

Massage Chairs and Diabetic Neuropathy

massage chairs and neuropathy

Massage Therapy for Neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy is a fairly common condition that involves problems with nerves, primarily peripheral nerves, like those that run through your arms and legs. Symptoms may include pain, tingling, burning and numbness that over time can result in the loss of balance, mobility, or strength. But the impact of this varies […]