Massage Chairs Help Ease Discomfort of Seasonal Allergies Year-Round


Suffering from Seasonal Allergies Year-Round Usually, we think of spring as allergy season. Yes, all the blooming plants and their release of pollen are the cause of much misery. But truly, there isn’t a single allergy season. And as winter approaches, the irritants come from other sources. And your massage chair is a great way […]

Massage Chair Therapy To Get You Healthy Through the Holidays

massage chair for the holiday

The holidays are fast approaching.  Soon (if not already) you’ll be planning menus, inviting guests, shopping for meals, shopping for others. This time of year puts great emphasis on giving thanks, giving to others, and making other people’s holiday wishes come true. That creates a lot of stress, and you can’t do all that if […]

Massage Away Anxiety

massage away anxiety

Massage Away All of Your Anxiety! Anxiety varies in intensity and duration for different people and can be debilitating for anyone. While chronic, intense, or prolonged periods of anxiety should always be referred to a health care professional, those of us who suffer from occasional bouts of worry and stress can find relief in massage. […]

Massage Chairs Bring Relief of Spinal Stenosis

massage chairs bring relief of spinal stenosis

In response to our recent post about the benefits of massage chairs for aching legs and feet, a client wrote us with a question about a source of very specific and troubling chronic pain: spinal stenosis. For those lucky enough to be unfamiliar with the condition, lumbar spinal canal stenosis is a narrowing in the […]

How often should you use a massage chair?

Are you someone who gets regular massage? Perhaps between 2-4 times per month? If so you likely have a good reason physically, whether related to an persistent injury, chronic muscle pain, joint or tendon soreness, or maybe your work involves physical exertion that leaves you sore and needing the therapeutic treatment of massage. Or perhaps […]

What Is The Best Massage Chair For Aching Feet and Legs?

Even though we often hear, “Sitting is the new smoking,” many of us still spend enough time on our feet to end the day in pain. Not only on-your-feet job responsibilities but the activities we come home to take a toll—even the fun ones! And as we age, our bodies may no longer bounce back […]

Massage Chair Body Scanning. How Does It Work?

massage chair body scanning

Just about all full-body massage chairs claim to have some form of body scanning. If you have read any other articles on body scanning they tell you why it exists which should be obvious. But they don’t tell you how it works because, well, they don’t know. As someone who has been in the massage […]

Massage Chairs For Athletes

massage chairs for athletes

Massage for Athletes Being an athlete might presuppose that you take good care of yourself and that your conditioned muscles are accustomed to frequent exercise. You don’t get sore. You don’t need a massage chair. Right? Wrong! First, no two workouts, games, rides, are exactly the same. In some instances, terrain or weather may make […]

Massage Chairs and Weight Loss?

massage chairs and weight loss

Massage and Weight Loss: Too Good to be True? If something tastes good or feels good, the tendency is often to think, “This can’t be good for me.” Right? Happily, that is not the case with massage for weight loss. Indirect Benefits of Massage for Weight Loss The two most common approaches to weight loss […]

Can Massage Help with Autism

massage therapy for autism

Parents of children with autism are always seeking ways to enhance the quality of life for their children and massage therapy is becoming an increasingly popular way of doing so. 

One would think that a child with autism, who is commonly averse to touch, would find massage therapy intolerable. However, a massage chairs are usually […]

Massage Chairs Make You Feel Good

Massage: Is “Feels Good” Enough? For months, we’ve outlined ways in which massage and premium massage chairs are established heath aids for a broad range of aches, pains, conditions, syndromes, and illnesses. No surprise there. And most of us also enjoy massage and massage chairs purely as aesthetic experience. But is enjoyment a recommendation in […]

Massage Chairs and Diabetic Neuropathy

massage chairs and neuropathy

Massage Therapy for Neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy is a fairly common condition that involves problems with nerves, primarily peripheral nerves, like those that run through your arms and legs. Symptoms may include pain, tingling, burning and numbness that over time can result in the loss of balance, mobility, or strength. But the impact of this varies […]

Massage Chairs and Stress Relief


Can Massage Help You Manage Stress? Recently, we wrote about stress as a probable cause of TMJ syndrome and, because massage therapy is effective in addressing various ways stress can affect the body, we suggested that massage can benefit those who suffer from TMJ. Great. But maybe it would be wise to explore the reasons […]

Massage Chairs and Migraines

Massage chairs and migraines

Massage and Migraines Any kind of pain can be debilitating, and for people who suffer from migraine headaches, pain can disrupt both their personal and professional lives. Whether migraine occurs infrequently or on a regular basis, finding dependable relief is a top priority. What Relief Can Look Like Migraine is a complex condition that can […]

Massage Chairs and Autoimmune Diseases

massage chairs and autoimmune

How Massage Can Help with Autoimmune Diseases One well-researched and documented benefit of massage therapy is its ability to boost of the body’s own defense against disease – the immune system. Good health depends on a well-functioning immune system. But many suffer such severe impairment of their immune systems that the body’s own defense system […]

Massage Chairs and TMJ

massage and TMJ

Can Massage Therapy Take a Bite out of TMJ? While chronic stress is known to cause a wide range of health problems, stress has not been thoroughly considered as the root of TMJ problems. “But I thought TMJ syndrome was all about jaw muscles and joints!” Certainly that is where the symptoms occur—the ones that […]

Massage Chairs Relieve Depression

massage chairs help with depression?

Can Massage Relieve Symptoms of Depression? Depression can be an expensive and devastating condition, in part because of the effect depressive illness can have on overall health. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Depression can adversely affect the course and outcome of common chronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and […]

Massage Chairs and Digestive Issues

massage chairs and digestive issues

Can Massage Help with Digestive Issues? For most of us, there is a short list of primary reasons why we might crawl happily onto a massage table or into our own massage chair. Sore muscles, tight joints, excessive stress— all or any of those is a good excuse for some welcome pampering. But what about […]