Tis The Season for Tension Headaches

holiday tension headache

Do tension headaches have a season? Maybe not. But tension runs especially high at some times of the year, creating headaches. And a trip to your massage chair can help! Why Stress Now? Every day at this time of year, most of us are multitasking. Yes, “the holidays” are multiple and demanding. We may be […]

Massage Chairs Help Ease Discomfort of Seasonal Allergies Year-Round


Suffering from Seasonal Allergies Year-Round Usually, we think of spring as allergy season. Yes, all the blooming plants and their release of pollen are the cause of much misery. But truly, there isn’t a single allergy season. And as winter approaches, the irritants come from other sources. And your massage chair is a great way […]

Losing Sleep Over Your Insomnia? Try a Massage Chair

The prevalence of insomnia— trouble either falling asleep or staying asleep—is staggering. More than 30 percent of American adults suffer from occasional bouts of insomnia, and 10 percent of Americans experience chronic insomnia. In the latter case—chronic insomnia is poor sleep every night or most nights for more than six months—the seemingly endless cycle can […]

Massage for the Elderly

better emotional health

No matter who you are, or what your age, massage feels great. Perhaps like no other profession, massage therapy provides benefits to a wide range of people. Of course, there are contraindications that need to be monitored, but generally speaking, young and old, healthy and ailing—most everyone gains from regular massage therapy sessions. But with […]

How often should you use a massage chair?

Are you someone who gets regular massage? Perhaps between 2-4 times per month? If so you likely have a good reason physically, whether related to an persistent injury, chronic muscle pain, joint or tendon soreness, or maybe your work involves physical exertion that leaves you sore and needing the therapeutic treatment of massage. Or perhaps […]

Massage Chair Body Scanning. How Does It Work?

massage chair body scanning

Just about all full-body massage chairs claim to have some form of body scanning. If you have read any other articles on body scanning they tell you why it exists which should be obvious. But they don’t tell you how it works because, well, they don’t know. As someone who has been in the massage […]

Can Children and Teens with ADHD Benefit from Massage Chairs?

Massage ADHD

Massage Benefits for ADHD Imagine lying in your massage chair. As your chair sets to work, you feel your body relax. Your muscles soften, your nervous system calms. Now, imagine how you feel when the massage is over–relaxed, alert, calm, and content. Anyone who has experienced a massage understands the many benefits that it offers. […]

Massage Chairs and Migraines

Massage chairs and migraines

Massage and Migraines Any kind of pain can be debilitating, and for people who suffer from migraine headaches, pain can disrupt both their personal and professional lives. Whether migraine occurs infrequently or on a regular basis, finding dependable relief is a top priority. What Relief Can Look Like Migraine is a complex condition that can […]

Frequent Massage Is Best For “Text Neck”

text neck pain

UCS or upper crossed syndrome sounds obscure, but we see it every day. First dubbed “Text Neck” by Dr. Dean Fisher in 2008, the condition is seen by many as a scourge of 21st-century technology. Fishman coined the term when a mother brought in her 17-year-old daughter who was complaining of headaches and neck pain. As […]

PMS? Massage to The Rescue


PMS is common medical complaint, a chronic problem estimated to affect up to 80% of women. No one definitive cause of PMS has been identified, but several factors are known to influence symptoms. These include diet, genetics, hormone fluctuation, and that common culprit, stress. Because PMS gives rise to both physical and psychological symptoms, stressful […]

Three Common Causes of Back Pain

chronic lower back pain

As you’re going through your day, you take precautions to prevent yourself from being injured. You wear your seat belt or your bike helmet, and you make sure to look both ways before crossing the street. However, even though you’re protecting yourself against major injury, small things like incorrect posture or wearing the wrong shoes […]

Common Massage Chair Questions

If you’ve been thinking about ordering a luxury massage chair, then you likely have questions about which model you should get, what color will be best in your house, and what the benefits of your new chair will be. At The World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we want to help you find the best fit […]

A Chair for Every Season!

Rest and relaxation massage chair season

At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we love helping people find the perfect chair for their home or office, and we’re always ready to answer questions about our products and how they can benefit someone’s life. If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a chair, it’s important to consider what your budget is, how often you’d […]

How Massage Chairs Help with Diabetes


Ask anyone to name the most expensive health condition in the US, and you’d expect them to say heart disease, which is the number one cause of death. But surprisingly, type 2 diabetes, currently growing 36 times faster than heart disease, is the second-leading killer and the most expensive health condition, totaling over $101 billion […]

How Does Heat Help Your Muscles?

massage chairs with heat

If you’ve ever had back pain, you’ve probably treated it with a heating pad. The application of heat can do wonders for an aching back, and while you may not be sure how it works, you’re simply happy that it provides relief. At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we carry a number of amazing chairs […]

Massage and Migraines

Massage chairs and migraines

If you suffer from chronic migraines, then you have most likely sought out the proper treatment or medication for your condition. However, did you know that massage can be beneficial when it comes to treating migraine headaches? At The World’s Best Massage Chair (WBMC), we want our customers to find the best chair for their […]

Massage for Active Individuals

Massage for Active Individuals

Those who love the outdoors or who love to be active try to find as many opportunities as they can to get outside and walk, run, bike, or hike. No matter where you live, there are places you can find to be active, even if you’re in the middle of a city. However, if you’re […]

Nothing Beats a Stress Free Massage Chair Buying Experience

Free Returns

When you begin to think about making a big purchase in life, if you are like most people, you begin by researching your options. Often times when consumers begin to really dive into the research, they become overwhelmed by all of the different brands available, all of the different options available, all of the different […]