Human Massage vs. Massage Chair

Both human-administered massage and today’s cutting-edge massage chairs deliver extraordinary benefits. There is a multitude of particular aspects of a massage chair that are quite compelling.  Particularly for those who don’t seek frequent massages. Massage therapy delivers a powerhouse of health benefits. Virtually every system in the body is affected by massage, either directly or […]

Massage Chairs Help Ease Discomfort of Seasonal Allergies Year-Round


Suffering from Seasonal Allergies Year-Round Usually, we think of spring as allergy season. Yes, all the blooming plants and their release of pollen are the cause of much misery. But truly, there isn’t a single allergy season. And as winter approaches, the irritants come from other sources. And your massage chair is a great way […]

Massage Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Massage Can Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) We recently wrote about how massage chairs can help anyone overcome the impact—physical and emotional—created by the shift away from daylight savings. After the time change, after the clocks and your body have adjusted, there is a long winter season ahead— a time that affects one in […]

OMG That's Ugly

ugly massage chairs?

As someone who has been in the massage chair industry for over a decade, I have given thousands of demos on dozens of models. One question I get most often is “Why are massage chairs so ugly?” After attending hundreds of massage chair roadshows around the country, and with this question as a backdrop, I […]

Massage Chairs For Athletes

massage chairs for athletes

Massage for Athletes Being an athlete might presuppose that you take good care of yourself and that your conditioned muscles are accustomed to frequent exercise. You don’t get sore. You don’t need a massage chair. Right? Wrong! First, no two workouts, games, rides, are exactly the same. In some instances, terrain or weather may make […]

What is Acupressure in a Massage Chair

Massage chairs and acupressure

We’ll start with how this massage style is delivered in the typical chair. Acupressure is a massage chair is performed in one of two ways. The first is via airbags located throughout the massage chair (backrest, hips, shoulder, arms, legs, and feet). Think of the last time you had your blood pressure tested, and you […]

Workplace Massage Chairs Deliver Big Benefits

Massage chairs in the workplace

Increasingly we are seeing companies buy workplace massage chairs for their employees to utilize. Not only are massage chairs a fantastic company perk, they are an investment to help reduce the costs associated with workplace stress. Long hours, seemingly impossible demands, and uncertain job security can take their toll on employees’ mental and physical well-being. […]

Can Children and Teens with ADHD Benefit from Massage Chairs?

Massage ADHD

Massage Benefits for ADHD Imagine lying in your massage chair. As your chair sets to work, you feel your body relax. Your muscles soften, your nervous system calms. Now, imagine how you feel when the massage is over–relaxed, alert, calm, and content. Anyone who has experienced a massage understands the many benefits that it offers. […]

The Mental Benefits Of Massage Chairs

Mental Benefits of Massage Chairs

You may not realize that massage chairs deliver as many mental benefits as physical. Perhaps you are in the market for a massage chair. Maybe you’ve seen them at Costco special events, or you passed by those massage chairs rentals at the mall or airport. Wherever you saw them, maybe you were intrigued by the […]

2D-3D-4D massage chairs whats the difference


If you are buying a massage chair and have done a little research, or if perhaps you already own a massage chair and are looking to upgrade, you’ve likely seen various mentions of the “D’s”. This article will help you understand what they mean when manufacturers refer to 2D, 3D, and 4D massage chairs. Since […]

Massage for Frozen Shoulder and Torn Rotator Cuff

frozen shoulder

Can Massage Help Thaw Frozen Shoulder? If you or a friend have ever experienced “adhesive capsulitis,” better known as frozen shoulder, you know just how painful and frustrating the condition can be. Physicians prescribe an array of treatments, but generally advise their patients that the condition is mysterious, perhaps brought on by hormonal factors or […]

Massage Chairs and Weight Loss?

massage chairs and weight loss

Massage and Weight Loss: Too Good to be True? If something tastes good or feels good, the tendency is often to think, “This can’t be good for me.” Right? Happily, that is not the case with massage for weight loss. Indirect Benefits of Massage for Weight Loss The two most common approaches to weight loss […]

Best Massage Chairs for the Elderly

Even if you have been an athlete, there may come a time— “a certain age” —when even simple activity becomes a challenge, sometimes even painful. How could a premium massage chair improve your life? For some, it’s possible to associate aging with retirement, more leisure time, relaxation. Perhaps senior life can seem removed from the […]

Mayo Clinic on Massage

Mayo Clinic

Mayo on Massage? We’ve posted many articles chronicling the benefits of massage for a variety of syndromes, diseases, conditions and injuries. Often, we have cited studies published by the Mayo Clinic as sources for those articles. Today, let’s see what Mayo has to say about the big picture: massage and health. A Wide Range Massage […]

Massage Chairs and Stress Relief


Can Massage Help You Manage Stress? Recently, we wrote about stress as a probable cause of TMJ syndrome and, because massage therapy is effective in addressing various ways stress can affect the body, we suggested that massage can benefit those who suffer from TMJ. Great. But maybe it would be wise to explore the reasons […]

Massage Chairs and Autoimmune Diseases

massage chairs and autoimmune

How Massage Can Help with Autoimmune Diseases One well-researched and documented benefit of massage therapy is its ability to boost of the body’s own defense against disease – the immune system. Good health depends on a well-functioning immune system. But many suffer such severe impairment of their immune systems that the body’s own defense system […]

Massage Chairs Relieve Depression

massage chairs help with depression?

Can Massage Relieve Symptoms of Depression? Depression can be an expensive and devastating condition, in part because of the effect depressive illness can have on overall health. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Depression can adversely affect the course and outcome of common chronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and […]

Eight Health Benefits of Massage

8 massage chair benefits

At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we love helping people find the perfect chairs, whether that’s an OHCO M8 or a Panasonic MA73. We’ve assisted countless people in their quest for the right chair, and we know that we can do the same for you! There are many health benefits to owning one of our […]