Massage Chairs for Dentists—and For You

massage chair for dentists

What could massage chairs have to do with dentistry? Odds are, you’re not a dentist. But odds are you know a dentist, that you visit one at least once a year. So listen. Dentists spend hours bending over their patients, looking at their teeth and gums. They spend considerable time each day reviewing x-rays, examining […]

Massage for the Elderly

better emotional health

No matter who you are, or what your age, massage feels great. Perhaps like no other profession, massage therapy provides benefits to a wide range of people. Of course, there are contraindications that need to be monitored, but generally speaking, young and old, healthy and ailing—most everyone gains from regular massage therapy sessions. But with […]

Massage Away Anxiety

massage away anxiety

Massage Away All of Your Anxiety! Anxiety varies in intensity and duration for different people and can be debilitating for anyone. While chronic, intense, or prolonged periods of anxiety should always be referred to a health care professional, those of us who suffer from occasional bouts of worry and stress can find relief in massage. […]

How often should you use a massage chair?

Are you someone who gets regular massage? Perhaps between 2-4 times per month? If so you likely have a good reason physically, whether related to an persistent injury, chronic muscle pain, joint or tendon soreness, or maybe your work involves physical exertion that leaves you sore and needing the therapeutic treatment of massage. Or perhaps […]

Massage Chairs and Chronic Pain

massage chairs help chronic pain

Can Massage Help with Chronic Pain? Talk to anyone who suffers from chronic pain and before very long, the subject turns to anxiety. They may say things like, “It’s worst when I’m stressed out,” or “I hold my stress in my neck and shoulders,” or “Stress always shows up in my lower back.” The reality […]

Massage Chairs vs. Insomnia

massage chairs and insomnia

More than 30 percent of American adults suffer from occasional insomnia—defined not only as difficulty falling asleep but also as trouble staying asleep— and 10 percent of Americans experience insomnia as a chronic condition. Why is losing a little sleep so bad? For one thing, lingering symptoms of sleep loss can be debilitating. Fatigue, difficulty […]

A Touch of Care: Massage for Menopausal Women

massage and menopause

Menopause brings about physiological, psychological, and social changes that can weigh heavily on a woman’s health—mind, body, and soul. Studies show that the vast majority of women going through this experience some kind of clinical symptom and in 40% of those cases, their symptoms are intense enough for the patient to seek medical assistance. These […]

Three Common Causes of Back Pain

chronic lower back pain

As you’re going through your day, you take precautions to prevent yourself from being injured. You wear your seat belt or your bike helmet, and you make sure to look both ways before crossing the street. However, even though you’re protecting yourself against major injury, small things like incorrect posture or wearing the wrong shoes […]

Giving a Massage Chair as a Retirement Gift

Retirement gift

In our last blog, we spoke about finding a luxury massage chair for your retirement and how it could benefit you during your golden years. However, what if you’re not the one who is retiring? If you have a parent, grandparent, or friend who is retiring and you want to get them a very special […]

Find a Chair for Your Retirement Spot

When you reach retirement age, you’re likely looking forward to a bit of rest and relaxation following decades of hard work. That’s not to say that you won’t still be working on hobbies or perfecting your golf swing, but you’ll be doing things on your terms and on your schedule. At World’s Best Massage Chairs […]

Matching Your Chair To Your Existing Furniture

match massage chair to furniture

One question we sometimes get at World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC) is “How will my new chair look next to my existing furniture?” It’s a fair question, and it’s always important to keep design and color in mind when choosing new furnishings. After all, your new massage chair will hopefully be in your home for […]

Common Massage Chair Questions

If you’ve been thinking about ordering a luxury massage chair, then you likely have questions about which model you should get, what color will be best in your house, and what the benefits of your new chair will be. At The World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we want to help you find the best fit […]

Massage for Better Emotional Health

better emotional health

If you’ve received a professional massage even once, you know how much better you feel after just a few minutes on the table. But your physiological response goes deeper than simple relaxation. According to Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, FL, massage, […]

Massage During Pregnancy?

massage chairs and pregnancy

Many think of massage as a luxury to be indulged in only on occasion. What determines a luxury depends on many factors, some cultural, some financial, and often these are very subjective. But one of the most beneficial times for massage may be during pregnancy. A study at the University of Miami School of Medicine […]

A Chair for Every Season!

Rest and relaxation massage chair season

At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we love helping people find the perfect chair for their home or office, and we’re always ready to answer questions about our products and how they can benefit someone’s life. If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a chair, it’s important to consider what your budget is, how often you’d […]

Should You Use a Massage Chair When You're Pregnant?

Using a Massage Chair while Pregnant

As a pregnant woman, you probably have lots of questions regarding what is safe while you’re carrying your child. You want to know what foods you can eat, what exercises you can do, and how long you should be on your feet during the day. Your obstetrician and gynecologist (OBGYN) should be able to tell […]

How Massage Chairs Help with Diabetes


Ask anyone to name the most expensive health condition in the US, and you’d expect them to say heart disease, which is the number one cause of death. But surprisingly, type 2 diabetes, currently growing 36 times faster than heart disease, is the second-leading killer and the most expensive health condition, totaling over $101 billion […]

How Does Heat Help Your Muscles?

massage chairs with heat

If you’ve ever had back pain, you’ve probably treated it with a heating pad. The application of heat can do wonders for an aching back, and while you may not be sure how it works, you’re simply happy that it provides relief. At World’s Best Massage Chairs (WBMC), we carry a number of amazing chairs […]