What Is The Best Massage Chair For Aching Feet and Legs?

Even though we often hear, “Sitting is the new smoking,” many of us still spend enough time on our feet to end the day in pain. Not only on-your-feet job responsibilities but the activities we come home to take a toll—even the fun ones! And as we age, our bodies may no longer bounce back as quickly as they once did, and the accumulated injuries of a lifetime add up.

Suppose you’ve spent enough time standing during the day, so your feet are aching and tired. That old soccer injury is talking to you. You get home, and guess what? The dog is smiling anxiously at you, waiting his turn. Or your friend wants to play a twilight 18 to unwind and talk a little business at the same time. What about that bike ride you’ve been promising yourself?

All these activities are good for your health, no question. But in sum and in combination, they can leave you with aches and pains, especially in your lower body—your legs and your feet.

What Options Do I Want?

If you have known massage chairs for some time, you may remember treatment that is great from your neck to the small of your back. The so-called S-track rollers that have been common for some time do a great job of reaching the main areas of your torso and neck. But what can you do for your glutes, your hamstrings, your calves and feet?

The most exciting recent innovation in massage chair technology is the L-Track roller. As the name suggests, its track bends and follows your body through your hips and glutes and down to the top of your hamstrings. And you’re not missing out on the S-track benefits, because every L-track system is an extended S-track. No worries!

From your knees to your feet, there are other systems to bring relief. Several of our models offer wrap-around calf massage. Foot rollers provide a deeper, more satisfying massage than is possible with an airbag system alone.

What Massage Chair Can Help?

We recommend four chairs for our customers who want the most for their aching feet and legs.

  • The OHCO M.8LE offers a firm acupressure-style massage perfect for those seeking a gentler, less aggressive massage.
  • The Positive Posture Brio Sport features a 3D L-Track with rolling, kneading, tapping, pushing in three dimensions on your back, on your glutes, and under your legs, plus a fabulous bottom-of-the-foot massage as well.
    This is by far our best recommendation.
  • Panasonic’s MA73 offers full 3D and can be adjusted for soft and gentle. Ultra-precision body scanning, heated back rollers, ceramic foot heating, dual-zone arm kneading, and multiple stretching programs
  • Finally, the Panasonic MAJ7 is the newest evolution of Panasonic’s RealPro Ultra massage mechanism. While capable of delivering a soft and gentle massage, the MA-J7 also provides aggressive therapeutic deep tissue massage—the trademark of Panasonic massage chairs. The MA-J7 also has more stretching features and options than any chair on earth. Other chairs offer only one stretching program. The MA-J7’s programs include neck, chest, lower back, pelvis, leg, core, and full-body options. Plus, its bottom-of-foot rollers provide multi-directional movement and a full reflexology massage.

At World’s Best Massage Chairs, we want to help you find the perfect chair for your home or office. If you’re experiencing chronic pain from whatever source, or you simply want to relax at the end of a long day, then check out our online catalog. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about a particular chair, and we’ll gladly explain the benefits and advantages of each model.

Order your massage chair today